“Food that improves judgment” was the name given to macrobiotic nutrition since ancient times. Improving judgment is clarity of thought, it is the light of reason, which now nothing prevents to shine and surprise the whole world with its enlightened state. Changing the energy of the body with the help of food, we have a beneficial effect on the spirit. We become happy, because longing, bad mood, fear, despondency and heaviness in the soul go away. Everything comes to the one who eats properly!
There are several important results of proper nutrition, which will not be slow to affect when you begin to live according to the laws of nature.

Nutrition Results

Good mood
Most people themselves make their own existence intolerable, poisoning their lives with fears, anxieties, worries, anger, lust, envy, anger. And it is not always possible of one’s own will to stop worrying and worry – this requires work on oneself.

The first step in such work is the transition to macrobiotic nutrition. From this changes not only the state of the organism, but also the attitude towards life, since a person becomes wiser.

A person with good health does not have not only diseases of the body – he has no fear, no anger, no sadness, anxiety, no offense, no irritation, no dissatisfaction with himself and others. He is always calm and joyful. He feels happy, full of strength and enthusiasm even when he faces difficulties and problems. He with joy and enthusiasm solves the difficult problems of his life. He is joyful under any circumstances! If you think about it – this is the most natural state. See how the child rejoices, having received even a modest gift. But is our life, which is given to us by omnipotent nature, a smaller gift? Maybe this is not enough valuable gift that we lost the habit to rejoice in it? Just because we live, we must be happy – like a child who received a gift.

The balance of energy in the body is what is necessary for a good mood. Improper diet, and above all the excess sweet, sugar, honey, chocolate, deprives us of vigor and good mood. When we eat right, we eat right and communicate with the world, with other people. We are happy and we sow happiness around us.

Lack of fatigue

Any tiredness is the first sign of an incipient disease. If you are tired, you are already unwell. A person who eats properly does not know tiredness. If you get tired – you can not perform even the most simple tasks that life poses for you. And here life passes by you, and you, dull and ssyuchny, drag a miserable existence on the gray and deserted shore. Whereas bright and colorful ships of happiness float by!

Life for a tired person loses the brightness of colors and attractiveness. A tired person cannot live full-blooded and enjoy life. An excess of harmful substances in the body – this is what creates fatigue. Eating right and properly building your energy and your spirit means never knowing fatigue. Deep dream
When the body’s energy along with proper nutrition returns to normal, the body begins to work clearly and correctly. Comes a normal sleep. This means that you quickly fall asleep, you sleep soundly and deeply, so that you can sleep well in 5-6 hours, and easily, without being forced, you get up in the morning, awake and rested and do not feel sleepy during the day.

local_offerevent_note November 15, 2018

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