Alkaline diet heals the body

Alkaline diet heals the body

I would like you to accept this position as your nutritional program. This program is able to give you good health. After all, the proposed diet, consisting mainly of raw vegetables and fruits, is primarily a cleansing one.
Fruits and vegetables are not only rich in minerals, vitamins and various other nutrients, they also provide the body with an alkaline reaction that helps reduce acidity.
People who are interested in nutritional issues are sometimes confused by too many different opinions.
Some authorities recommend high-protein diet, others – low-carbohydrate, and others – a diet of fresh fruit, vegetarian or vegetable-milk diet. And every authority says that his diet is the best. I personally pay tribute to each of these points of view.

I am sure that it is impossible to follow any of the diets punctually. Now there are about 200 kinds of products. Of these, you can prepare the appropriate number of dishes.
During fasting, we clean our body, and, being clean, it can already make a choice of the products it needs.
The main thing – to exclude from your diet all the perverted products of modern civilization. They are not so much compared to those that you should eat. In this book, I give you a list of foods that should be avoided.

There is an old adage: “A person by the age of 40 is either himself a doctor or he is a fool”. I am quite sure that if a person by the age of 30 did not find a suitable diet for himself, then he will acquire very serious diseases in the future.
Our physical and mental activity feeds on our energy reserves, but each has different needs. For example, I prefer physical activity because I like activity.
I also like mental activity. I like to put everything in doubt, I like to solve problems. But I hate an easy life, physical or mental. For physical activity requires energy of one kind, for mental – another, and for spiritual activity – the third.

A nutritionist can give you any information, but he cannot eat for you, cannot digest food for you. What I eat may not like you at all. Each person is absolutely unique, as unique drawing of any snowflake.
I am not going to persuade you to take any particular sample of food, nevertheless, if you want to achieve higher health, you should eat only the highest quality food. I am not going to convince you to become a syroed, an adherent of vegetarianism, vegetable-milk or mixed nutrition.
As soon as you starve and cleanse your body, your inner voice, your instinct will prompt you the right decision. I do not think that you will be able to make a leap from a diet rich in highly refined products to a natural diet containing 50-60 percent of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Nature does not tolerate sudden changes. You have been feeding in a certain way for many years, your digestive system and other organs have adapted to this form of nutrition.
You have to make the transition slowly, for a certain time with the help of cleansing the body with starvation and attracting nine natural doctors as assistants, who will become for you what have become for me and many hundreds of other people I know.
This will gradually lead you to the instinctive choice of natural food.
You do not have to eat a good fresh salad one day, and a big dish of starchy spaghetti the next. You do not have to eat a fruit salad one day, but go to sausages and donuts the next day. Your nutrition should be stable.

Let me clarify what I mean. If you eat meat, I would not advise you to eat it more often three times a week. If you eat eggs, do not eat them more often four times a week.
If you drink milk, I advise you to gradually eliminate it from your diet, like all other dairy products. After all, man is the only creature consuming milk after being weaned.

local_offerevent_note December 17, 2018

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