More push-ups, fewer sick days: HeiaHeia social network launches in UK

HeiaHeia is a new project that went unnoticed outside of Finland, where it was developed. However, this should soon change with the official launch of the project in the UK. The site was founded by Jussi Raisanen, co-founder of the Smarter mobile mail project (acquired by SEVEN Networks), Olli Oksanen and Ivan Kuznetsov (formerly working for Nokia). It enjoys great success in its homeland and the number of its users already totals 5% of the country’s population (about 175,000). The site probably owes its success to the fact that HeiaHeia’s strategy is focused on the customer and B2B (business to business), that is, it is based on the fact that the employer is interested in ensuring that his employees lead a more active lifestyle, which, in turn reduces the number of expensive sick leave. The HeiaHeia platform is based on helping to motivate users to exercise more by making it easier for them to track their performance in different types of exercise and share them with other users. The user can choose from 400 proposed activities – from football to ultimate frisbee and basic dog walking or jogging – and creates a personal plan with specified goals. All of this has good visualization, including the timeline, although personally to me the user interface and the initial stage seemed a little complicated. However, the focus is on the social component. Users can comment on each other’s training plans and progress reports, and create groups where they can compare plans and share training tips. In addition, similar to Facebook’s “Like” button, HeiaHeia has a “praise” option that allows users to virtually endorse and support each other’s successes. Overall, though not completely, HeiaHeia’s offering and features reminded me of the UK-based TribeSports project, which is a social platform that helps people do more sports and exercise in general and has recently attracted $ 2.8 million in Series A investment. (HeiaHeia is a better system and is already profitable.) However, unlike TribeSports, HeiaHeia has an ace up his sleeve. In addition to the user-centric site, the company offers a version designed for companies looking to help their employees become more physically active, and is already used by both small and medium-sized businesses and large multinational corporations. These include GE healthcare Finland, and the Finnish chain of stores Tokmani has used HeiaHeia in 140 of its stores, organizing competitions between them. Basically, this is an opportunity for companies to use this platform to promote healthy lifestyles while combining hands-on approach, fun (dare I use the term “gamification”) and data management, which is probably the main advantage of this project. As a result, a business- oriented strategy will generate significant income in the future. This is the highlight of this platform: users can combine their personal and corporate data to get an overall picture of their activity on HeiaHeia. Another feature that HeiaHeia has taken advantage of is the availability of an API, so that third parties have the ability to create applications for this platform. Now everyone wants to create platforms (in the true sense of the word), but in such a way as to create it and do nothing else, but this does not always work. But in the case of HeiaHeia, it seems to work. Thanks to the API, mobile apps already exist for iOS, Android, Symbian and Windows Phone .

local_offerevent_note November 28, 2020

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