19 signs of thyroid problems

The thyroid gland, which is in the neck and has the shape of a butterfly, can have a dramatic effect on a huge number of body functions, and if you are a woman over 35, then you have a high risk of thyroid disease – by some estimates, more than 30%.

Women have problems with the thyroid gland more often than men 10 times, – says the physician Robin Miller.


Located above the “Adam’s apple”, this gland produces a specific hormone – thyroid (TN), which regulates, among other things, your body temperature, metabolism and palpitations. Problems can begin when your is hyperactive or vice versa, not active enough. If the thyroid gland works poorly, then it produces too little TN, if it is hyperactive, it is too much. Because of what shchitovidka can fail? These can be genetic causes, autoimmune attacks, pregnancy, stress, malnutrition or toxins in the environment, but experts are not so sure. Because thyroid hormones with the body are full – from the brain to the bowels – diagnosing the disease can be a daunting task. Below are the signs that your thyroid gland may not be in order.

1. Your strength is exhausted

The feeling of fatigue and lack of energy is associated with many causes, but all of them are related to hypothyroidism – a disease in which thyroid hormones are not produced enough. If in the mornings or throughout the day after a night’s sleep you still feel tired, this may indicate that your thyroid gland may not work actively. If the blood circulation and cells circulate too low a number of thyroid hormones, then this means that your muscles do not receive signals to start work. “The first of the signals I see is fatigue,” says Dr. Miller.

2. You are depressed

An unusual feeling of depression or sadness can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism. Why? Because producing too few hormones, the thyroid can affect the level of the neurotransmitter “good health” – serotonin – in the brain. If the thyroid gland is not sufficiently active, other body systems also “roll down”, and therefore it is not surprising that our mood also falls.

3. Nervousness and anxiety

Feeling of anxiety is associated with hyperthyroidism, when the thyroid gland produces too many thyroid hormones. Overflowing with constant signals “all-systems – forward!”, Your metabolism and the whole body can be overexcited. If you feel like you can not relax, then your thyroid can work hyperactively.

4. Changed appetite and taste preferences

Increased appetite can talk about hyperthyroidism, when too much of the hormones produced can make you hunger all the time. The only difference and, we can say, the “plus” of this is that in this case the malfunctioning of the thyroid gland due to its hyperactivity compensates for the use of excessive calories due to increased appetite, so the person eventually does not gain weight.

On the other hand, insufficient activity of the thyroid gland can create confusion in your perception of tastes and smells.

5. Fuzzy thinking

Of course, fuzzy thinking can be the result of lack of sleep or aging, but cognitive abilities can get a significant impact and as a result of malfunctions in the thyroid gland. Too high levels of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism) can hinder concentration, and too low (hypothyroidism) can lead to forgetfulness and the “nebula in thinking”. “When we treat patients for hypothyroidism, they are often surprised at how quickly this” nebula “in their head passes, and how much their feelings become more acute,” says Dr. Miller. “Many women think that this is something that accompanies the menopause, although in reality it’s a problem with the thyroid.”

6. Loss of interest in sex

Weak or lack of interest in sex may be a side effect of thyroid disease. Low levels of hormones can cause low libido, but the general effect of other hypothyroid symptoms – lack of energy, pain in the body – can also play a role in this matter.

7. Everything trembles before my eyes

This “trembling” can appear due to rapid heart rate. You may feel that the heart is fluttering or misses a beat-the other, or is beating too hard or too fast. You can note such feelings and on your wrist or on the place of pulse measurement on the throat or neck. A “trembling” of the heart or a strong heartbeat can be a sign that your system is full of hormones (hyperthyroidism).

8. Dry skin

Dry skin, if it is also itchy, may be a sign of hypothyroidism. Changes in the texture and appearance of the skin are most likely due to a slowing of metabolism (which is caused by low levels of hormones), which can reduce sweating. Skin without enough fluid can quickly become dry and begin to peel off. In addition, the nails become brittle and they show voluminous longitudinal bands.

9. Intestine began to work unpredictably

People with hypothyroidism sometimes complain of constipation. Insufficient work shchitovidki causes slowing down the digestive process.

“There is no movement in your intestines,” says Dr. Miller. “This is one of the three main symptoms of hypothyroidism, observed by me.”

On the other hand, too high activity of the thyroid gland can cause diarrhea or more frequent movement in the intestine. All this can be a sign of hyperthyroidism.

10. The periodicity of menstruation has changed

Longer menstrual periods with large discharge and pain may be a sign of hypothyroidism when an insufficient amount of hormones is produced. Periods between menstruation can be shortened.

In hyperthyroidism, a high TH level causes a variety of irregular menstruation. Periods shorter or longer, menstruation can take place in a very small amount. “I always ask my patients about their cycles and their regularity,” says Dr. Miller. She found a close relationship between irregular cycles and thyroid problems. And if the months pass very hard, then she checks for more and anemia.

11. Pain in the limbs and muscles

Sometimes this pain is due to the increased work of muscles and limbs. However, if you feel an uncaused and unexpected tingling, numbness, or just pain – in the hands, feet, legs or hands – this may be a sign of hypothyroidism. Over time, an inadequate level of thyroid hormones can destroy the nerves that send signals from your brain and spinal cord throughout the body. This is expressed in such “unexplained” tingling and pain.

12. High blood pressure

Increased pressure may be a symptom of thyroid disease. The cause of this may be hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism. By some estimates, people suffering from hypothyroidism have a 2-3 times higher risk of developing hypertension. According to one theory, a low amount of thyroid hormones can slow down the heartbeat, which can affect the force of expulsion of blood and the flexibility of the walls of the vessels. Both can cause an increase in blood pressure.

13. Temperature at zero

Feeling cold or chills can have roots in hypothyroidism. Inactivity of body systems due to low levels of hormones means less energy in the body, which is burned by cells. Less energy is less heat.

On the other hand, too active thyroid stimulates the cells to burn too much energy. Therefore, people with hyperthyroidism sometimes feel heat and sweat profusely.

14. Hysterectomy and strange sensations in the neck

Changes in the voice or feeling “lump in the throat” can be a sign of malfunction in the thyroid gland. One way to test this is to properly examine the neck for any signs of an increase in the thyroid gland. You can check your thyroid yourself by following these recommendations:

Take the mirror in your hand and, watching the throat, drink the water. Your task is to monitor the appearance of any protuberances or protrusions in the thyroid gland that is below the “Adam’s apple” and above the clavicle. You may need to do this several times to understand where the thyroid gland actually is. If you notice any bumps or something suspicious – contact your doctor.

15. Failures in sleep mode

Do you want to sleep all the time? It can be because of hypothyroidism. An “incomplete” thyroid can slow the body’s functions to such a degree that sleep (even in the daytime) may seem like a brilliant idea.

Can not sleep? This may be due to hyperthyroidism. A high level of hormones can be expressed in anxiety and a rapid pulse, which can make it difficult to go to sleep or even cause a wake up in the middle of the night.

16. Weight gain

Plus two sizes in clothes – the reasons for this circumstance are so many that it is unlikely that your doctor will consider an increase in everything as a symptom of a potential thyroid disease. However, weight gain is one of the main signals to the need to test the thyroid gland for Dr. Miller. “Patients say they do not eat more than usual, but they still gain weight,” she says. “They do the exercises, but nothing changes. They can not throw it off. “Almost always the cause is in the thyroid gland, Miller says.

On the other hand, unexpected weight loss may signal hyperthyroidism.

17. Hair thinens or falls out

Dry, brittle hair or even hair loss can be a sign of hypothyroidism. A low level of hormones disrupts the cycle of hair growth and translates many follicles into a “rest” mode, which is expressed in hair loss. “Sometimes even the whole body, including the eyebrows.” “Many patients talk about hair loss,” Miller says, they say, “my hairdresser says that my hair falls out and I need to ask the doctor about my condition thyroid glands. ” In hairdressing salons are more aware of thyroid problems than some doctors! ”

Excess thyroid hormones can also affect the amount of your hair. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism that affect the hair are usually expressed in the thinning of the hair only on the head.

18. Problems with pregnancy

If you unsuccessfully try to get pregnant for a long time, then perhaps this is due to an excess or a lack of thyroid hormones. Difficulties with conception are associated with a high risk of undiagnosed thyroid problems. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can interfere with the process of ovulation, which affects the ability to conceive. Diseases of the thyroid gland also lead to problems that arise during pregnancy.

19. High cholesterol

A high level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which does not depend on diet, exercise or medication, may be related to hypothyroidism. An increase in the level of “bad” cholesterol “may be caused by a” defect “of the thyroid gland and cause anxiety. If hypothyroidism is not treated, then it can lead to heart problems, including heart failure.

Test thyroid

If you have one or more of these symptoms and suspect a cause for a thyroid gland, consult a doctor and ask for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TTT) tests, free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxine (fT4), make an ultrasound of the thyroid – says Dr. Miller. By results of tests, on signs and survey to you synthetic hormones can register. In testing and prescribing treatment for thyroid diseases, there may be several trials and errors, so prepare to visit the doctor several times in order to be given the right dosage.


If it is a shchitovidke, then be prepared to be your own lawyer. Some doctors may neglect thyroid diagnoses despite the fact that the American Association of Endocrinologists in 2003 narrowed the norm range for thyroid hormones from 0.5-5.0 to 0.3-3.04. This means that more women are among those who need treatment. “Find a doctor who heals, not just tests,” says Dr. Miller. “If you feel better at a certain dosage, then it has the same weight as the laboratory result.”

local_offerevent_note January 22, 2018

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