Features of human ecology as a special scientific direction

Ecology in relation to humanity is an interdisciplinary science that studies the interaction of people with the surrounding world, the dynamic conditions of existence in it and the ecological diversity of modern humans. An adaptive type is a reaction rate that independently arises under similar environmental conditions in populations that may not be genetically related. The nature of the processes resulting from the impact of the environment on humanity is mainly studied.

One of the main tasks of this science is to help society optimize environmental conditions by delivering the necessary information to legislative bodies and leaders at different levels.

The research takes into account many parameters:

  • results of sociological surveys of the population;
  • medical and demographic statistics;
  • the results of observing changes in the habitat;
  • the results of processing economic and statistical data.

Indicators characterizing human society are also used:

  • the level of fertility, mortality, morbidity, disability of the population;
  • age and gender structure;
  • the level of physical development of the population, etc.

Ecology in relation to man, as a science, plays an important role. It contributes to the formation of the level of responsibility for decisions, structures and communicates to the authorities information about the possible consequences of production activities and stimulates constant work on the modernization of technologies that protect the environment.

Global environmental problems

Progress not only simplifies a person’s life, but also poses new, rather important tasks for him. If we do not pay due attention to global environmental problems, then in the future they can cause the extinction of our species, because bad ecology and human health are interconnected.

The main environmental problems in the existence of modern man

The main environmental problems include:

  • global warming;
  • general pollution of the planet’s air layer;
  • destruction of the ozone layer;
  • pollution of the World Ocean;
  • depletion of fresh water supplies;
  • soil erosion, soil pollution;
  • reduction in biological diversity;
  • depletion of natural resources and minerals.

Modern ecologists and other scientists note the important role of ecology in human life, therefore, they offer many ways to solve the world’s environmental problems. For the most part, they boil down to reducing emissions, recycling industrial waste, switching to alternative energy sources.

Possible directions in solving environmental problems

Humanity has a need to maintain a safe environment. Therefore, it is possible to assume such directions in resolving environmental problems as:

  1. Legislative. Development and adoption of international laws on the protection of the human environment.
  2. Economic. To combat the consequences of technogenic impact on nature, large financial investments are required.
  3. Technological. Development of new and improvement of existing technologies working to protect the environment from human influence.
  4. Aesthetic. Greening of cities, arrangement of nature protection zones and reserves, creation of forest belts around enterprises and roads.

Being perfectly aware of the level of threat, humanity can still take urgent and effective measures to rectify the current situation.

Protective measures

Protective measures include:

  1. Reducing the level of waste, both domestic and industrial.
  2. The transition to alternative energy sources, the abandonment of nuclear power plants, coal stoves, the transition to the use of natural gas, solar energy, the construction of hydroelectric power plants.
  3. Construction of modern wastewater treatment facilities.
  4. Planting forests, protecting land from erosion.

Modern international environmental organizations play an important role in this. Carrying out constant propaganda in favor of environmental protection, they gradually change the views of people and force them to reconsider their attitude to nature.

Ayurvedic tips for improving health through ecology

The direction of alternative medicine Ayurveda offers mankind a way to protect against environmental disasters by restoring balance. Ayurvedic philosophy is based on the balance of man and nature. The fundamental elements of the direction are air, water, fire, earth and ether.

Ayurvedic tips for improving health through ecology:

  1. To strengthen the nervous system, Ayurveda advises to lead a measured lifestyle, subject the body to light physical exertion, and consume white wine in small doses every day.
  2. There is also a large system of gymnastics, which is adapted for the treatment of certain diseases.
  3. Ayurveda advises using essential oils, using medicinal herbs, making frequent trips to ecologically clean areas, and doing yoga classes.

Ayurveda teaches you to live a full and fulfilling life, despite the not entirely favorable ecological situation in the world.

All countries are concerned about the preservation of the state of the environment. International conferences are held, environmental issues are raised at the UN. Bans on the killing of wild animals are being introduced, and fish catching is controlled. Scientists from all countries are constantly working together on methods to improve the ecological situation.

Public organizations for environmental protection actively urge society to be more responsible, to think about the possible consequences of thoughtless use of resources and environmental pollution.

local_offerevent_note November 1, 2020

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