Healthy eating right: the principles, rules, guidelines for weight loss

Correct eating today – you take care of your health for many years.
Therefore, we prefer to buy high-quality products that are beneficial for the body and the relevant basics of healthy eating. The quality of the finished product “Uvelka” pays great attention to all stages of production, so we produce “Useful Kashi to take care of health.

Cereals and cereal tm “Uvelka” consist of whole grains and rich:

  • B vitamins that help the human body to transfer nutrients to vital energy;
  • complex carbohydrates that give a long a feeling of satiety;
  • vegetable protein, which is necessary for normal functioning of the body;
  • vegetable fiber, which is important for health and excellent function of our gastrointestinal tract.

The content of these elements improves digestion, improves efficiency, corresponds to the basics of good nutrition.
Useful properties of cereals and cereal under the trademark “Uvelka” confirmed the regional public organization “Association of Gastroenterologists of the Tyumen region.”
Use our recipes a healthy diet and follow a healthy lifestyle will be much easier. By the way, our recipes nutrition suitable for weight loss, and permanent maintenance of the body in a healthy working condition.

The principles of healthy eating

Nutrition system – this is the real basis on it is easy to construct the overall health condition of the body, good mood and visual appeal, substitute that is not in a position to no makeup. If we stick to the basic rules of proper nutrition, most of the diseases you can avoid and pep and energy never runs out.


  • eat when hunger began to experience;
  • good chew each bite;
  • eat small pieces;
  • eat in repose;
  • focus while eating at the trial;
  • eat sitting;
  • limited menu of 4 dishes receive a maximum;
  • divide your daily diet for 4-5 small meals instead of 2-3 large;
  • move actively throughout the day;
  • do not wash down food or drink immediately after eating;
  • the main volume of food eaten – at dinner;
  • eat freshly prepared food;
  • eat natural food;
  • not to use (or to minimize the use of) harmful products (mayonnaise, ketchup, “fast food”, alcohol, etc.);
  • eat more fiber – fruits and vegetables fresh.

Balance of power in the first place, reflects the matching of caloric intake to how much energy a person consumes, how active he moves. Changing the balance of the basic components of food (carbohydrates, proteins and fats), we can construct a diet of proper nutrition. The important role in a healthy diet menu is played and the natural, the original product compatibility. This can be read in an article on a separate feed.

How to start eating right

Special secrets of how to go on a proper diet not. And most importantly – healthy food does not require additional financial costs unbearable for the family budget. Healthy Food should not be too expensive – it is enough that they are natural and fresh. The whole nuance of how these products are cooked and eating.

Let’s start with the fact that the long-term heat treatment is always “kill” the lion’s share of use in any food product. Because it should be minimal. Do not forget that the fried food, first, of little use for the stomach priori, and secondly, is detrimental due to contact with fat, which was prepared – even fresh fat “one frying” is harmful, and re-use “gives” carcinogens! One of the best ways to cook today – steamer.

It is required in the diet of the right foods from all food groups (from herbs and fruits up beans and oil). Percentage them could be due to your taste preferences and characteristics of the organisms of the family members, but the variety and coverage of the entire spectrum – a requirement indispensable for the full maintenance of the human body with vitamins.

Regularity and accuracy of time at meals – the key to clear the “work” is not only the blood, but also of the whole system. Power on the clock, finally, regulates sleep, nervous system, normalizes blood vessels and blood pressure.

A minimum of salt, limiting sugar control muffins and cakes, replacing fizzy drinks herbal tea or fruit drinks – get used to all of this is easier than you think. 21 days fully rearranged human body, including in terms of taste preference.

Snacks in the right nutrition is also subject to change. Firstly, it is better to forget about the frequent use of rolls, pastries and other flour, sugary products. According to nutrition breakfast cereal is better to spend with, banana, yogurt, etc., And a muffin, cake set aside. Also, like all of the day during the “drag” the office cookies and candy, which also leads to consumption of calories, which eventually accumulate in such an amount that is not burned and deposited in the adipose tissue. Nobody says you have to limit yourself completely from the use of “vkusnyashek”, but their numbers have to learn to control himself and let them strictly before lunch.

In late dinner eating right recommends to cook meat and green salad. Meat protein is one of the most useful and almost indispensable ingredients, and carbohydrates can be obtained not only from pasta, rice and buckwheat, and vegetables. In addition, vegetables contain fiber, which improves the work the gastrointestinal tract.

The main law of a healthy diet

The main principle of a healthy diet – balance. Beginning with the elementary ratio of consumed calories and contact our locomotor activity and ending with a reasonable balance of products from different groups, not only the eating that “likes”.

As an example – neutral and included in most diets apples. A couple of days on apples for the body is very useful, a week – is harmful, because the person ceases to receive fat and other components that are not in apples. The second example – flavored butter. Fat in pure form. Irrepressible its consumption – is not just obesity, but also liver problems. A thin layer of toast in the morning – a boost of energy and effort required to start a productive day. Healthy food – healthy life!

Calories should be spent!

This does not mean that you can eat low-calorie fruits and lie in bed for days on end. The result is not pleasant – the skin will acquire the color that resembles, Simirenko apples, and forces will not remain at all. Active movement not only trains the muscles, but also normalizes function of internal organs. You do not want to go to the gym or cleaning? Just dance to, as in his youth – at home, spontaneously, for yourself! The benefits of proper nutrition will always be incomplete without the normal physical activity.

Variety of food should be!

At the beginning of the way to a healthy way of life, many are interested in the list of products for nutrition. This is not the right step. It will be easier to find out the list of harmful products and eliminate them completely or partially. Most professional athletes eat exactly the same food as everyone else. The secret is in balancing ingredients, splitting meals, and preparation methods.

Do not say you do not like it – just try to cook the product in a different way! Tasteless beans? Do not cook it in soup, and cook in a double boiler with oriental spices: turmeric, a mixture of peppers, herbs in bulk. Read one of our recipes and you will be immediately clear – it is delicious!

The diet must be present all product groups. Kashi cereal. Fresh greens. Meat and fish, not the chicken wings from a nearby “fast food”. You do not like boiled or steam? Bake in the oven! Vegetables, fruit, fresh and unsalted nuts (not the same as “beer”), vegetable oils and animal fats (but not spread!). Eggs, including quail. Milk range – and certainly dairy products (yogurt or fermented baked milk, sour cream in moderation).

But shoplifting mayonnaise and other sauces, ketchup sachets and “fast” soup – it’s not the variety and slow “corruption” of the body. First, the stomach and other organs, and then – for the nervous system and performance.

Proper nutrition – the guarantee of health!

The balance of macronutrients

This compound word just called fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The correct their balance and is the main rule of healthy eating. Energy-fats give strength, builders proteins trigger the internal exchange and other processes, clever, carbohydrates nourish not only the brain, but also the endurance of the whole organism. Only a single balanced food system, they are able to make a person energetic, healthy and cheerful.
Approximate nutrition menu for the week

The Internet is very widespread information on the correct and healthy eating for a week, but it should be understood that proper nutrition – is a healthy lifestyle, which is not observed any specific period of time, and every day at all times. A sharp change in diet towards a healthy diet can be a major stress to the body. In addition, you need to remember about the physical activities that allow you to burn excess calories accumulated during the day and did not allow the body to stagnate, improve circulation, the digestive tract and the cardiovascular system.

Observe and plan the correct diet is not a week is problematic enough, but here’s the plan for the day you need to be sure! And if you can handle the task for the day, and then within a week there will be no problems.

A sample diet of healthy eating for a day or scheme nutrition:

Breakfast. In the morning it is necessary to eat something light, but nutritious, to have enough energy to dinner, and you did not go to work on the cotton afternoon. For this fit perfectly, such as oatmeal or other cereal, muesli, cheese, fruit. Try to do a variety of breakfast every day the same thing to use is problematic.

Snack. Unsweetened fruit (for those who are training in the hall is quite fit and bananas), vegetables, yogurt.

Dinner. For lunch, be sure to eat the meat: fish, pork, beef, chicken, etc. And do not forget to add a garnish to taste.! For example, suitable roast pork with buckwheat.

Snack. After an hour or two after dinner, you will want something to eat and then we save yogurt, low-fat yogurt, nuts, dried fruits or bananas.

Dinner. This meal should not be heavy. It is best if you cook some meat and vegetable summer salad to it. Vegetables generally better to eat every day, t. To. They promote better digestion, rich in fiber and vitamins.

Before bedtime. By fortune do not go in this time, many climb to the fridge and looking there for something to eat. Just from these uncontrolled meals and added extra weight. Before going to bed is best to drink a glass of kefir, sour milk, eat low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salad with olive oil also fit perfectly.

It is important to note that the proper diet for weight loss is not very different from that described above. It is clear that weight loss – health process that best align with the experts in this area, but the concept and the scheme is not likely to change.

In addition, it is important to understand that diet foods and diet menus for people involved in sports will differ significantly from the above, ie. To. The body, these people consume a lot more micro and macronutrients, calories and so forth.

As you can see, a healthy lifestyle and nutrition in this period is very simple to understand. The biggest problem – the rejection of the favorite “bad” foods. We hope that we have answered the question of how to make a proper diet and help you in the formation of a healthy and vigorous life.

local_offerevent_note February 23, 2017

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