Relaxation is easy

Of course, we must dance, move, engage in various sports. But never hesitate to just sit down or lie down and rest or relax, throwing off all your worries. This is not only pleasant, it is absolutely necessary.

Do not hope with the help of sedatives to achieve mastery in relaxation. Barbiturates and proper relaxation are not the same thing at all.
On the other hand, I know people who needed these calming for six months or even longer in order to subsequently abandon them and continue the starvation program.

To relax and fall asleep, I advise you to darken the room, turn off the TV or radio and lie on the bed on your back with your arms extended along the body (but so that they do not touch it) and reduce your perceptions to a minimum.

Give your hands a rest, place them palms down on the bed. Stretch your legs, but so that they also do not touch each other.
You can put your head on a small pillow or directly on the bed as you like. Leave your eyes open first, but do not look at one point straight ahead, but lead them up, down or sideways. After such movements, your eyes will close themselves. Such movements of the eye muscles are not a hindrance to relaxation.

Mentally always follow these eye movements. By following the movements of the eyeballs and muscles, you relax your thoughts, and this will eventually lead to a relaxation of the whole organism in a natural, restful and restorative sleep.

If you have insomnia, then read something before bedtime, and if it does not give the desired result, it means that your eye muscles are already overloaded, reading tires them and you need to relax them, as indicated above.

Do not strain your muscles without absolute necessity. By moving your arm or leg or changing your posture, you interrupt the internal relaxation process, and those muscles that have already reached a certain degree of relaxation will have to start the whole process again.
Muscles that are too tense may feel uncomfortable, but with a movement you only prolong the inconvenience. The process of relaxing such muscles can take from 10 to 15 minutes.

Relaxed muscles should feel very pleasant, and if you relax completely, you will feel extraordinary peace. The inconvenience in some muscle or muscle group is an indication that they are overstressed and that you do not allow them to relax.

Novice relaxation practitioners often tell me that they cannot fall asleep while lying on their backs. It all depends on how deeply this thought is recorded in your brain, and if you are convinced of the opposite, you can discard this thought and understand its fallacy.

“I always fall asleep on my right side,” “I always fall asleep on my stomach,” “I have to curl up to fall asleep,” “I used to toss and turn from side to side,” “I can’t sleep at night if I take a nap at least a little during the day “,” I only sleep until five o’clock, and then before seven I lie with my eyes open, and by noon I want to sleep again “- these are the usual complaints that can be heard from people.

But I am sure that if a person wishes to devote 15 minutes a day to relaxation training, he will surely achieve success and will no longer be able to not follow this habit in the future, if he adheres to his natural lifestyle and fasting program.

Insomnia is usually treatable by relaxing for ten days or two weeks, and subsequently sweet, beautiful sleep will be your friend every night, and you will wake up in the morning as clear and fresh as a healthy newborn baby.
The starvation program will help you master the art of complete rest, relaxation and deep, sweet sleep. Toxins put pressure on your nerves and muscles. Fasting relieves these pressures and replaces them with relaxation.

On the other hand, I know people who needed these calming for six months or even longer in order to subsequently abandon them and continue the starvation program.
To relax and fall asleep, I advise you to darken the room, turn off the TV or radio and lie on the bed on your back with your arms extended along the body (but so that they do not touch it) and reduce your perceptions to a minimum.

Give your hands a rest, place them palms down on the bed. Stretch your legs, but so that they also do not touch each other.
You can put your head on a small pillow or directly on the bed as you like. Leave your eyes open first, but do not look at one point straight ahead, but lead them up, down or sideways. After such movements, your eyes will close themselves. Such movements of the eye muscles are not a hindrance to relaxation.

Mentally always follow these eye movements. By following the movements of the eyeballs and muscles, you relax your thoughts, and this will eventually lead to a relaxation of the whole organism in a natural, restful and restorative sleep.

If you have insomnia, then read something before bedtime, and if it does not give the desired result, it means that your eye muscles are already overloaded, reading tires them and you need to relax them, as indicated above.

Do not strain your muscles without absolute necessity. By moving your arm or leg or changing your posture, you interrupt the internal relaxation process, and those muscles that have already reached a certain degree of relaxation will have to start the whole process again.
Muscles that are too tense may feel uncomfortable, but with a movement you only prolong the inconvenience. The process of relaxing such muscles can take from 10 to 15 minutes.

Relaxed muscles should feel very pleasant, and if you relax completely, you will feel extraordinary peace. The inconvenience in some muscle or muscle group is an indication that they are overstressed and that you do not allow them to relax.
Novice relaxation practitioners often tell me that they cannot fall asleep while lying on their backs. It all depends on how deeply this thought is recorded in your brain, and if you are convinced of the opposite, you can discard this thought and understand its fallacy.

“I always fall asleep on my right side,” “I always fall asleep on my stomach,” “I have to curl up to fall asleep,” “I used to toss and turn from side to side,” “I can’t sleep at night if I take a nap at least a little during the day “,” I only sleep until five o’clock, and then before seven I lie with my eyes open, and by noon I want to sleep again “- these are the usual complaints that can be heard from people.

But I am sure that if a person wishes to devote 15 minutes a day to relaxation training, he will surely achieve success and will no longer be able to not follow this habit in the future, if he adheres to his natural lifestyle and fasting program.

Insomnia is usually treatable by relaxing for ten days or two weeks, and subsequently sweet, beautiful sleep will be your friend every night, and you will wake up in the morning as clear and fresh as a healthy newborn baby.
The starvation program will help you master the art of complete rest, relaxation and deep, sweet sleep. Toxins put pressure on your nerves and muscles. Fasting relieves these pressures and replaces them with relaxation.

local_offerevent_note January 6, 2019

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