Water and digestion

Food cannot be digested without water. With its help is the transformation of proteins, starches and fats in food, necessary for normal functioning of the body. Water is also needed to stimulate the work of the stomach, in the intestine it helps the formation of fecal masses and timely removal of them from the body.

Let me explain the need for water for digestion, starting with the ingestion of food through the mouth. Here the fluid, called saliva, starts digesting carbohydrates. Gastric juice is 90 percent water. He begins his work by passing food through the stomach.
Food, now already a slush, passes further into the duodenum, the upper small intestine, where it is absorbed. The secretion of the liver and pancreas, which is also 90 percent water, completes the digestion of food.

Water and waste

Soluble waste is eliminated from the body with water. The kidneys and the bladder, the skin and the lungs – all of them cannot be freed from poisons without water. Alveoli function normally only when wet. The mucous membranes of the nose, throat, trachea and bronchi must also always be moist.

Since they all come into contact with air, the body loses up to 0.5 liters of water every day while breathing. When the air is dry, this figure may increase. Many people avoid such dryness by installing humidifiers in homes.

Water evaporates through the skin in large quantities. In this case, it is used not only for waste disposal, but also for other purposes.
The kidneys require a lot of water. And that quantity which is necessary, is in direct dependence on the consumed liquid. Every liter of water passing through the kidneys removes 90 grams of waste from the body. This is normal operation.
But the water level (or urine) should never fall below 0, 25 liters. Kidneys never stop their work and constantly require water, even in the case when it is not there.

local_offerevent_note February 23, 2019

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