How not to eat at the table

The main problem of many people is the inability to stop in time to not eat an additive or to make a snack between meals. Of course, in this regard, a certain endurance will be


The main problem of many people is the inability to stop in time to not eat an additive or to make a snack between meals. Of course, in this regard, a certain endurance will be

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Common causes of overeating

The reasons for overeating are many. Many people eat with depression and boredom, with irregular eating, when there is a strong sense of hunger and control your appetite can be very difficult, from the inability


The reasons for overeating are many. Many people eat with depression and boredom, with irregular eating, when there is a strong sense of hunger and control your appetite can be very difficult, from the inability

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How to learn not to overeat

Overeating is a disease of our time. It’s hard to stay away from the available delicacies and exotic food, not to pamper yourself with an extra piece of your favorite cake. It is very difficult


Overeating is a disease of our time. It’s hard to stay away from the available delicacies and exotic food, not to pamper yourself with an extra piece of your favorite cake. It is very difficult

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Bacterial infections

Bacterial infections include a huge group of diseases caused by microorganisms – bacteria. These are small unicellular microorganisms that have a strong cell wall to protect against the effects of aggressive environmental factors. Bacteria isolated


Bacterial infections include a huge group of diseases caused by microorganisms – bacteria. These are small unicellular microorganisms that have a strong cell wall to protect against the effects of aggressive environmental factors. Bacteria isolated

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Baldness. Causes. Diagnostics. Treatment.

Baldness. Causes. Diagnostics. Treatment. Since the formation of hair follicles, hair enters a cycle of active growth. The relative duration of the phases of the cycle varies depending on the genetic characteristics, age, sex, the


Baldness. Causes. Diagnostics. Treatment. Since the formation of hair follicles, hair enters a cycle of active growth. The relative duration of the phases of the cycle varies depending on the genetic characteristics, age, sex, the

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19 signs of thyroid problems

The thyroid gland, which is in the neck and has the shape of a butterfly, can have a dramatic effect on a huge number of body functions, and if you are a woman over 35,


The thyroid gland, which is in the neck and has the shape of a butterfly, can have a dramatic effect on a huge number of body functions, and if you are a woman over 35,

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Tramadol (Tramal) in the treatment of acute and chronic pain syndromes

The main method of treatment of acute and chronic pain syndromes in modern medicine is systemic pharmacotherapy. The latter can be carried out with the help of various methods of administering the analgesic to the


The main method of treatment of acute and chronic pain syndromes in modern medicine is systemic pharmacotherapy. The latter can be carried out with the help of various methods of administering the analgesic to the

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The pronounced proliferation of the endometrium against the background of systemic immunosuppression and enhanced angiogenesis, accompanied by a local inflammatory reaction, are the essence of the disease. Functional endometrium penetrates by invasion into the myometrium


The pronounced proliferation of the endometrium against the background of systemic immunosuppression and enhanced angiogenesis, accompanied by a local inflammatory reaction, are the essence of the disease. Functional endometrium penetrates by invasion into the myometrium

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Tadalafil è terribile per la salute degli uomini?

Tra le vacanze di Natale si è appreso che Rospotrebnadzor ha iniziato a ritirarsi dal fatturato additivi biologicamente attivi “Sealex forte” e “Ali caps”, progettati per rafforzare la potenza maschile. Il motivo – nel presunto


Tra le vacanze di Natale si è appreso che Rospotrebnadzor ha iniziato a ritirarsi dal fatturato additivi biologicamente attivi “Sealex forte” e “Ali caps”, progettati per rafforzare la potenza maschile. Il motivo – nel presunto

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Full want to lose weight faster

The demand for ways to lose weight faster and without violence against oneself is very great. Demand, as you know, gives rise to proposals. They are widely known (advertising!), But, as a rule, are not


The demand for ways to lose weight faster and without violence against oneself is very great. Demand, as you know, gives rise to proposals. They are widely known (advertising!), But, as a rule, are not

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