How to be a sysadmin and live to be 100

I used all sorts of books from O’Reilly many times. Now, all of a sudden, to cook a recipe in Perl, then to fix something urgently in Bind. Or all of a sudden you need to talk


I used all sorts of books from O’Reilly many times. Now, all of a sudden, to cook a recipe in Perl, then to fix something urgently in Bind. Or all of a sudden you need to talk

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Thinking about your back

Almost everyone knows and talks about the fact that vision deteriorates from programming , but few people think about an equally important part of the body – the back. I personally have already earned myself a fair amount of back


Almost everyone knows and talks about the fact that vision deteriorates from programming , but few people think about an equally important part of the body – the back. I personally have already earned myself a fair amount of back

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Features of human ecology as a special scientific direction

Ecology in relation to humanity is an interdisciplinary science that studies the interaction of people with the surrounding world, the dynamic conditions of existence in it and the ecological diversity of modern humans. An adaptive type


Ecology in relation to humanity is an interdisciplinary science that studies the interaction of people with the surrounding world, the dynamic conditions of existence in it and the ecological diversity of modern humans. An adaptive type

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Human ecology and health

The concept of “human ecology” began to be used about 100 years ago. Since then, it has been firmly entrenched in scientific works, articles and topics of various discussions. Man and ecology are closely related. People associate the


The concept of “human ecology” began to be used about 100 years ago. Since then, it has been firmly entrenched in scientific works, articles and topics of various discussions. Man and ecology are closely related. People associate the

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Asthenic depression

Asthenic depression is otherwise called wasting syndrome. It is considered a fairly mild form of the disease, but this does not mean that it simply does not need to be paid attention to. Its main manifestation is


Asthenic depression is otherwise called wasting syndrome. It is considered a fairly mild form of the disease, but this does not mean that it simply does not need to be paid attention to. Its main manifestation is

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Ironic form

A very interesting and rare type of depression, which is precisely characterized by the expression “laughing through tears”. These patients use irony, self-mockery, like a shield with which they are trying to push the disease away. This


A very interesting and rare type of depression, which is precisely characterized by the expression “laughing through tears”. These patients use irony, self-mockery, like a shield with which they are trying to push the disease away. This

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Signs of depression in adults

Symptoms of depression in women All women are different, and signs of depression in women can also manifest themselves in different ways, affecting not only the emotional sphere, but also directly affecting the state of


Symptoms of depression in women All women are different, and signs of depression in women can also manifest themselves in different ways, affecting not only the emotional sphere, but also directly affecting the state of

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Stress and depression

Stress and depression often go hand in hand, and the latter can easily flow out of the former. In the modern world, stress is almost impossible to avoid, since we face them every day – even


Stress and depression often go hand in hand, and the latter can easily flow out of the former. In the modern world, stress is almost impossible to avoid, since we face them every day – even

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Balanced diet

Any of us knows that food has a huge impact on humans. And a lot depends on what we include in our diet, how we cook and eat it. A person whose nutrition is balanced does not suffer from a


Any of us knows that food has a huge impact on humans. And a lot depends on what we include in our diet, how we cook and eat it. A person whose nutrition is balanced does not suffer from a

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Healthy lifestyle: basic principles and recommendations of doctors

The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes a whole range of constituent components. This is not just some kind of diet or exercise. Healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle aimed at rejuvenating and improving the whole body, giving


The concept of a healthy lifestyle includes a whole range of constituent components. This is not just some kind of diet or exercise. Healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle aimed at rejuvenating and improving the whole body, giving

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